Class OrderTransaction


This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Transaction

Variable Summary
int $Actioncode

The actioncode returned by the payment gateway

int $Amount

The transaction amount in the given currency of the OrderTransaction

double $AmountFull

The full transaction amount in the given currency of the OrderTransaction

double $AmountOriginal

The transaction amount in the given currency of the OrderTransaction as it was when the order was placed

string $Cardtype

The cardtype of the OrderTransaction. This can be DK, V-DK, EDK, VISA(DK), VISA, MC(DK), MC, DINERS(DA), DINERS, AMEX(DA), AMEX, JCB, MSC(DK),MSC or FBF

string $Currency

The currency of the OrderTransaction

string $Date

The datetime the OrderTransaction was carried out

int $Errorcode

The errorcode returned by the payment gateway

int $Id

The id of the OrderTransaction

int $OrderId

The id of the Order of the OrderTransaction

int $PaymentId

The id of the Payment of the OrderTransaction

int $Status

The status of the transaction (0 for 'awaiting', 1 for 'completed', 2 for 'cancelled', 3 for 'refunded')

int $SubscriptionId

The subscription id of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction (0 if none)

int $TransactionNumber

The transactionnumber of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction. NOTE the length of this field is limited to int32. For longer ids please use TransactionNumberLong

string $TransactionNumberLong

The transactionnumber of the payment gateway of the OrderTransaction.

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:47 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4